Benjamin Joseph Swatez
June 26, 1981
Birthplace: Humboldt County, California
October 2016 - "Contemporary Tendencies" - International Art Exhibition- Centro Cultural el Cuartel - Ibarra, Ecuador
October 2016 - "Asher Vida" - International Art Exhibition - Complejo Casa de las Leyes - Corrientes 560 - Neuquen Capital, Pantagonia, Argentina
August 2016: Director of Art for "Welcome To My House" Music Video with "Luc and the Lovingtons" and NGO Voices of the Children, painting murals in Za'atari Syrian Refugee Camp, Jordan and Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon, Washington as an intercultural dialogue.
July 2016: Director of Rachel's Heart Creative Therapy Art Camp - YMCA Oasis Teen Shelter - Mount Vernon, Washington - Sharing creativity therapy with the underrepresented
May 2016: Art Director/ Curator for "Celebrating Humanity through the Arts Festival" in Mount Vernon, Washington, hosted by NGO Voices of the Children - focussing on human rights through art. Curated and exhibited art produced in my art therapy projects around the world at the Waterfront Gallery and hung 12' x 5' canvas murals painted by both Syrian Refugees and Washington Youth on the front-exterior facad of buildings throughout downtown.
2016: "Presencia y Testimonio" - "Testimony and Presence" @ Museum el Penol Antioquia- international art exhibition with 16 countries represented/ MAI Colombia - Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
April 2016: "Aires y Colores de Montana" International Exhibition - Cultural Association UCO HUE & Internatonal Organization of OMAI - Manzano Historico - Tunuyan, Mendoza, Argentina
March 2016: International Festival of the Arts "Grito de Mujer Flores de Desierto" - Asher Vida Project - Central Municipality of Culture - Cipolletti, Rio Negro Patagonia, Argentina
February - March 2016: Syrian Refugee Art Therapy Project in Jordan - Project Director/ art teacher/ mural painter - sponsored by NGO Voices of the Children & NGO Save the Children. Over 4,300 square feet of wall throughout Jordan was painted with murals by Benjamin Swatez, his team and hundreds of Jordanian and Syrian Refugee youth. Mr. Swatez led the art therapy classes and directed an intercultural dialogue between youth of the Northwest and the Syrian Refugees in Za'atari, the second largest refugee camp in the world. 40,000 photographs were taken by Syrian youth, over 30 short documentaries were made with more to come, 7 original songs written and sung by/with the youth... SO EMPOWERING!!! 3 canvas murals of 12 x 5 feet were painted by youth from both sides of the world. These canvas paintings will be exhibited before the United Nations for the month of peace, September 2016. I directed seminar training with the field staff of Save the Children to develop a sustainable model, covering art therapy and art practice, for the work to carry on with the Syrian Refugees long after my departure.
December 2015: AWARDED CERTIFICATE OF HONOR AND MERIT - "Colors and Dreams" - "Colores y Suenos" - International Art Exhibition - Barracas Art Gallery/ Galeria de Arte Barracas - Mendoza Capital, Argentina
December 2015: AWARDED CERTIFICATE OF HONOR - "Asher - Vida" International Art Exhibition - Gallery: Biblioteca Popular Naciones Americas - Allen Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina

November 2015: A Beleza Esta Fora de Moda" - 25th International Art Exhibition of MiniART - La Esposicion Moda Fashion de MiniART (The MiniART Exhibition of Fashion Design) - Bravura Gallery of Art - Porto Alegre, Brazil
November 2015: 4th Annual International Cumbre of OMAI. International Art Exhibition - Museum of Culture - Professional Artists from 14 countries presented art, mural painting, and conferences. Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico
November 2015: "12 Countries of Color" (12 Paises a Color) - International Art Exhibition - Instituto Municipal de Cultura y Turismo de Bucaramanga (Municipal Institute of Culture and Tourism) - Bucaramanga, Colombia
October 2015: "Resurreccion" - La Cripta Arzobispal de la Catedral de Lima Peru (The Cemetery of the Arzobispal Cathedral in Lima, Peru) and La Casa Ohiggins, Lima, Peru-International Art Exhibition/ Project in the cemeteries of Peru to aid in the transformation of the relationship between the living and the dead.
October - November 2015: "The Goodness Tour: Music and Art For People Facing Adversity" - 24 concerts/ Live Paintings in 3 weeks from Seattle to San Diego. Painting live with Luc and the Lovingtons and people facing adversity at homeless shelters, tent cities, disability centers, safe homes, hospitals and detention centers.
September 2015: "Espacios y Signos" - "Spaces and Signals" - International Exhibition - MAI Colombia International - Zona L Gallery - Bogota, Colombia
July 2015: "The Collective Exhibition of Latin America" - Museum of Latin America Nicolas Herrera. - International Exhibition - "Exposicion Colectiva de Latino America" en LatinoAmerica Museo Nicola Herrera - Ibarra, ECUADOR
July - August 2015: 24th International MINIART Exchange - Museum of Fashion Canela, Brazil - "24 Intercâmbio Internacional de Miniarte Moda/Faschion" -International Art Exhibition - Museu da Moda Canela - Rodovia, Canela, Brazil
July 2015: "Art and Culture" - La Exposicion "Arte y Cultura" - International Group Exhibition - Direccion de Cultura. OMAI Argentina, UCO HUE and Municipality of San Carlos. Gallery La Parroquia San Carlos, Borromeo Villa - San Carlos, Mendoza, Argentina.
June - July 2015: “ Asher Vida” - International Art Exhibition - 24 Countries - Encuentro Cultural Solidario y Comunitario. - Salvador Allende Gallery (MAGNA) - National University of Comahue - Universidad Nacional Del Comahue - Neuquen Capital, Argentina
June 2015: "12 Countries of color - 12 Paises a Color" - International Art Exposition of MAI Colombia - Jorge Mantilla Caballero Art Gallery - Bucaramanga, Colombia
May 2015: " Colors Enter the Vines and Mountains" - La Exposicion "Colores Entre Vinas y Montanas" - International Group Exhibition - OMAI Argentina and UCO HUE - El Nudo Gallery and Restaurant. Tupungato, Mendoza, Argentina
April 2015: "DAWN" - Group Art Exhibition - Grand Opening of Sanada Gallery - Venice Beach, California
2015: "The Eyes of Art - Los Ojos de Arte" - International Exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Huila - (MACH) Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Del Huila - MAI Colombia - Neiva, Huila, Colombia - MENCION DE HONOR (HONOR AWARD) A: BENJAMIN SWATEZ
2015: "The Children Paint the World - Los Ninos Pintan El Mundo" - 2 paintings created by the children (ages 6 -12) from each of Mr. Swatez's art therapy projects (India, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Argentina and Israel) - International Exhibition - (MACH) Museum of Contemporary Art - Neiva, Huila, Colombia
2015: Art Therapy in Israel Project - Co-Founder and Director - Locations: Eco-Me (Dead Sea), Neve Shalom, Jisr Az Zarqa and Tel Aviv. Guest artist and mosaic muralist Robert Markey joined the team at Neve Shalom. This project touched the lives of over 200 youth. Together Arab and Jewish Youth painted their vision of peace on canvas and walls! 4 murals: 10 x 10 Meters at Eco-Me, 2 x 4 meters at Neve Shalom, An entire bridge at Jisr Az Zarka and 2 x 35 Meters for the NGO Variety. The canvas paintings are traveling the world, exhibiting in Galleries and Museums, sharing the voice of peace and inspire humanity.
2014: "Spying on History with Casanova" - International Exhibition - Artistic and Cultural Project, the Gran Mosaic. OMAI Colombia. - La Carrion Gallery - Venice, Italy
2014: Art 4 Life. Group Exhibition. Non-Profit fundraising art exhibition for the I AM LIFE Project. Artshare LA, Los Angeles, California.
2014: "International Art Exhibition, MAI Colombia, Baricharte United for the Arts - Exposicion Internacional MAI Colombia y Baricharte Unidos Por El Arte". Barichara, Colombia. Benjamin Swatez and Lara Love opening night live Fire Ceremony in gallery. 17 countries represented in show.

2014: Art Therapy in Argentina Project - Co-Founder and Director. Location: Escuela Especial 2-020, Escuela DiRani, DINAF of Tunuyan, Mendoza, Argentina. Worked with over 200 youth from the streets, domestic abuse or physically and/or mental disabilities. Art therapy courses, professional art exhibition, and a 2.5 x 20 meters painting with people from the ages of 87 to 2 years old.
2014: International Art Exposition of MAI Colombia and The Sotano Art Gallery - Galeria de Arte Sotano - Collective International Exhibition - Cali, Colombia. November - December
2014: Cadiz Theatre International Art Exposition - World foundation MAI Colombia Teatro Cádiz Esposicion Internacional - Fundacion Mundial MAI Colombia - (Benjamin Swatez exhibited art, spoke in the name of the underrepresented from his Art Therapy Projects around the world, exhibited their work, and performed a professional show - The Ceremonial Dance of Fire) - Bogotá, Colombia - October

2014: "The Movement for Peace and for Life" - 3rd Annual International Symposium of OMAI -Benjamin Swatez had a solo exhibition and presented work from the former child soldiers of DR Congo and recently freed slaves of India. "Movimiento por la Paz y la Vida" - 3ª Cumbre de OMAI (Organización Mundial de Artistas Integrados) - The Cultural Center "The Rasberry" - La Mora and the National Monument "The Flower of Venezuela" - Flor de Venezuela. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. October 12-16
2014: "The Forum" x 2 - The School of Arts - Barquisimeto, Venezuela - and UCLA University of Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Benjamin Swatez - Inspirational Speaker and Solo Exhibitions. Mr. Swatez elected to share his show with the Children of his Art Therapy Projects in DR Congo, Uganda, and India.
2014: "The Goodness Tour" - Live Painter - Performances with Luc and the Lovingtons in the homeless shelter, tent cities and safe homes. Bringing music and art to where it cannot be paid for. Washington, Oregon y California. 24 Live Collaborative Paintings with people facing adversity in 20 Days! September 11th - 30th.
2014: Live Painter - Performances with Rickie Byars Beckwith, Eric Benet, Panache Desai, the Ágape International Spiritual Choir and Luc and the Lovingtons, Rythem and Blues Festival. RAJ FEST. Los Angeles, California.
2014: "Dreams and Colors - Sueños y Colores". International Art exhibition of OMAI Argentina. Mendoza, Argentina. September 21st - October 19th.

2014: "International Festival of the Arts Bayimba" - Gulu, Uganda - Collective International Art Exhibition and Professional Ceremonial Fire Dance
2014: "International Exhibition of Catalunya - Exposición Internacional en Catalunya" - BCM Art Gallery - Barcelona, Spain - February 14th - March 1st - The painting "I Am Life" by Benjamin Swatez won Best Painting of the International Exhibition in Barcelona.
December 2013- April 2014: Mami Wata Art Therapy Project: Heal the Children of War with Art - Founder, Director and Producer - Benjamin Swatez and his team taught art therapy to over 800 former child soldiers, recently freed sex-slaves, children born in captivity, and youth accused of witchcraft and set aflame. Goma, República Democrática del Congo - Padertown, Uganda - Lira, Uganda. Partner NGO are Camme RDC, NGO Friends of Orphans and NGO Children of Peace Uganda. 4 murals and thousands of paper and canvas paintings. The voice of freedom from these youth are traveling the world now to share their love and courage. They have discovered forgiveness within the fog of adversity and torture... and there is nothing more beautiful! Benjamin Swatez wrote a six month art therapy curriculum with detailed course work and documentation. He trains psychologists on staff in each location to promote sustainability. Each of the 3 locations of the Mami Wata Art Therapy Project were supplied with 6 months of art supplies.
2013: Co-founder, Director and Ceremonial Leader of The Odyssey Healing Retreat in San Agustin, Huila, Colombia. Art Therapy, Dance Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Exfoliation, Nature Hikes, Sweat Lodge, Waterfalls, Yoga, Chi Gong, Reiki, Acupuncture, Live Music, and Amazonian Medicine Ceremonies with an Elder of the Kofan Tribe...
2013: VI International Festival of Painting - "The City of Wolves 2013 - Ciudad de Loboyos 2013" - VI Festival Internacional de Pintura - Cámara de Comercio de Neiva, Pitalito, Huila, International Art Exhibition in Colombia. November.
2013:. "The Unexpected" - Live Painter - Performance with Luc and the Lovingtons in the Marina - Everette, Washington - This painting, "The Unexpected", is now part of the permanent art collection of the city of Everette at the City Hall.

2013: "II International Festival of the Eyes of Mexico - II Feria Internacional de Los Ojos de México" International Collective Exhibition - Art Gallery of Cultural Center of Refugio - Galería del Centro Cultural del Refugio - Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México. September
2013: "IMAGINE" - 18a International Miniart Exchange - 10 Years - The House of Culture Mario Quintana - Porto Alegre, Brazil. International Collective Exhibition. Mini-Art Página oficial
2013:. "The Unexpected" - Live Painter - Performance with Luc and the Lovingtons in the Marina - Everette, Washington - This painting, "The Unexpected", is now part of the permanent art collection of the city of Everette at the City Hall.

2013: "II International Festival of the Eyes of Mexico - II Feria Internacional de Los Ojos de México" International Collective Exhibition - Art Gallery of Cultural Center of Refugio - Galería del Centro Cultural del Refugio - Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México. September
2013: "IMAGINE" - 18a International Miniart Exchange - 10 Years - The House of Culture Mario Quintana - Porto Alegre, Brazil. International Collective Exhibition. Mini-Art Página oficial
2013: "The International Day of Art - Día Mundial del Arte" - International Collective Exhibition - Art Gallery Luna Pizarro - Congress of the Republic of Peru (Congreso de la República del Perú) , Lima, Perú. 15 Abril

2013: "33rd Fire Festival of Santiago, Cuba - XXXIII Festival del Fuego de Santiago de Cuba". Artists, Musicians, Dancers and Actors of 40 Countries gather to celebrate and honor the culture of Colombia with a unified voice of Creativity. Art exhibition in the Contemporary Museum of Diego Velázquez (One of the oldest structures in the Americas, this was the house of Hernán Cortés.) July 2nd - 9th. Santiago de Cuba. El Debate: Festival XXXIII Internacional Del Caribe 2013 - Santiago de Cuba
2013: "Cultures without Borders nor Citizenship - Cultura sin Fronteras y civismo" - International Collective Exhibition - En La Sala Homenaje al Departamento de Apurimac en 140 Aniversario (Homenaje al Departamento de Apurimac en 140 Aniversario) - Club de Departemental Apurímac - Lima, Peru. April 22nd - May 30th
2013: "Art and Environment - El Arte y el Medio Ambiente" - Paying homage to two great Masters of Painting - Ernesto Ríos Rocha (México) and Alberto Quintanillia del Mar (Cusco, Perú) in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Cusco, Peru. International Collective Art Show - Cusco, Peru. August 2nd - 15th, 2013.
2013: "We're On An Adventure Tour" - Live Painter - Performances with Luc y the Lovingtons. 12 concert paintings: The house of Jason Mraz performing with Bushwala, Jason Mraz, Avasa & Matty Love, The Makepeace Brothers, Oceanside, Ca - "The Roxy" with guest singer Jason Mraz, Hollywood, Ca - Boardwalk Show, Venice Beach, Ca - House Show, Carlsbad, Ca - "700 Beach Club", Pacific Beach , Ca - The House of Spectacles, Pacific Beach. Boardwalk Show, Venice Beach, Ca - "Harmonic Humanity", San Francisco, Ca - "Bissop Boabob", San Francisco, Ca - "Pier 39", San Francisco, Ca - "Old Country Club" , Sacramento, CA - "Mercado Ballard", Seattle, Wa

2013: "Welcome to My House Tour " - Live Painter . Performances with Luc and the Lovingtons. 10 live paintings in concert: "Mom's House", Ashland, Oregón - "Harmonic Humanity", Marin, CA - Los Ángeles, CA - Boardwalk, Venice Beach, Ca - Ágape International Spiritual Center w / Michael Bernard Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith, Culver City, CA - Santa Bárbara, CA - Carlsbad, CA - "Abadías", Santa Cruz, Ca - "Harmonic Humanity", 2 concert in Oakland, CA. April 12th - 21st.
2013: "One World United by Art". International Airport of Puebla, Mexico - Art International Gallery, International Collective Exhibition - Aeropuerto Internacional de Puebla, México. Galería de Arte. Exposición Colectiva Internacional. Febrero 26 a marzo 29 International Press
2013: Live Painting - Doe Bay New Year Music Festival w / Luc and the Lovingtons: Orcas Island, WA. January 1st, 2013 - Twisp Bar in Methow Valley, WA. January 11th, 2013. - Barboza on Capital Hill, Seattle, WA. January 18th, 2013 - The Nectar in Seattle, WA. March 2nd, 2013.
2012: MAI Second Anniversary. International Collective Exposition. Jornada Cultural University 2012 - Universidad de Occidente, Unidad Guamúchil, Institución Educativa - Exposición Colectiva Internacional - Guamuchil, México
2012: Co-Founder of OMAI/ United States Representative - The first Symposium of OMAI in Culiacan, Mexico (Organizacion Mundial de Artistas Integrados). El Primer simposio internacional (Benjamin Swatez: Representative of the United States of America) - Culiucan, México.
2012: Collective Exhibition at the University of Pitalito, Colombia. - Exposición colectiva en la Universidad de Pitalito, Colombia.
2012: Assistant Director at the Tierra Mitica Healing Retreat. On-site Project Manager. Built bridges, cabanas, spring water entrapment systems - oversaw carpenters, architects, volunteers, and local laborers. Lived with Shipibo Elders and a team composed of local and international members.
2012: "Celebration of Peace" Time for no Violence. Live Painter - Perfomances with the Make Peace Brothers and speakers such as: Peggy Callahan, founder of Free the Slaves - Encinitas, California .

2012: "Freedom" - Phantom Galery, Solo Exhibition. Showed individual work, collaborative work with Mr. Swatez and the former debt-bonded slaves of Bahari, and Mr. Swatez invited the youth from Saturna Truth to show their work from the art therapy project that Benjamin Swatez and Rickie Byars Beckwith directed in the Crenshaw District of Los Angeles. Long Beach, CA.
2011: Live Painter - Performance with Luc and the Lovingtons - Lovefest - Seattle, WA
2011: "The City of Wolves 2011" - IV International Festival of Painting - International Collective Exhibition at UNAD University of Pitalito, Colombia - "Ciudad de Laboyos 2011" - IV Festival Internacional de Pintura - Universidad UNAD, Exposición colectiva, Pitalito, Colombia
2011: Live Painter - Performances with Luc and the Lovingtons in San Diego, Encinitas for NGO Feeding the SOul, and at The Gratitude Cafe, Los Angeles, California.
2011: "The Policrome Collective Exhibition" - "Exposición Colectiva policromía" - El Archivo Histórico General del Estado Simanolao, colectiva Muestra. Simanolao, México
2011: Completed "Reiki Master" training and was initiated as a Reiki Master in British Colombia, Canada, after training with Masters in Venezuela, Peru and the United States. Benjamin Swatez leads ceremonial sweat lodges after training for years with elders of multiple cultures. He has lived and studied with medicine elders, Ayahuasceros, Curanderos and Shamans throughout many countries.
2011: "The Bahari, India Art Therapy Project" - Founder, Director and Producer of this art therapy project that brought art to an entire village of former debt-bonded slaves, whom had been freed from the brick factory for only 11 months. "The best day of our lives was when we stood up for our freedom, and the second best day of our lives is when we learned how to paint," Shama, the elder of the village. Bahari, Utar Predesh, India - Free The Slaves - Video clip of Art Project in India
2010: "The Power of Choice" - Solo Exhibition and fundraiser at Ortega 120 for the Bahari, India Art Therapy Project, Los Angeles, California
2010: The Freedom Awards - Live painter performing with Rocky, The Makepeace Brothers, Jason Mraz and Luc and the Lovingtons! Los Angeles, California
2010: "The Power of Choice" - The Contemporary Art Museum of Huila - Solo Exhibition - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Huila, Neiva, Colombia. "The Window" by Benjamin Swatez resides in the museum's permanent collection.
2010: "The Friendship Tour" - Live Painter - Performances with Luc and the Lovingtons - (Fundraiser for NGO Harmonic Humanity in San Rafael, fundraiser for NGO Free the Slaves and produced by Tawney Bevacqua, and fundraiser for NGO Feeding the Soul, with guest singer Jason Mraz in San Diego)
2010: "Crossing Borders" - International Group Exhibition, "Cruzando Fronteras", Cámara de Comercio de Pitalito. - Pitalito, Colombia
2010: "Freedom" - Solo Exhibition @ The Green Room, Lovefest. Live painting with Luc and the Lovingtons @ Lovefest - Seattle, Washington
2009 - 2011: Assistant Director and Ceremonial Leader of the Mythic Voyage. Ten day healing voyages on a 100 year-old river boat through the Amazon Jngle of Peru holding ceremonies with Shipibo Elders, "Argonauts" from around the world and the medicines of the jungle.
2007 - 2009: "The Earth Gallery" - Painted Murals in nine countries. A Spiritual journey from Canada to Peru by land and Water, painting, fire dancing, learning, teaching and working with the Indigenous. In several countries, Mr. Swatez taught art therapy for children in the streets and later partnered up with NGO Viracocha to teach art therapy with the children of the red zone of Colombia - San Agustin, Colombia, and with Quscomaki to teach art therapy and soccer to the street children of Cusco, Peru. He learned mythology and ancient tradition with Aztec, Mayan, Kofan, Gurifuna, Incan, Andean, and Shipibo Elders.
2007: "Fusions of the Forgotten Moment" - Solo Exhibition, Accident Gallery - Humboldt County, California, USA
2007: This-is: The best place in Sarajevo - "Photo Safari" - 100 disposable cameras were given to the children from the streets of Sarajevo, Bosnia. Passed out 15,000 stickers of inspiring quotes expressed by the Bosnian youth the year prior. The This-is team went renegade style and glued oversized portrait photos of Bosnian Youth, taken by Photographer Gerrit Hahn during the Revival Festival, over the political propaganda all over the city of Sarajevo.
2005-2007: "Revival" - Co-Director. A Documentary Film About Hope: the Voice of the Youth expressing themselves in the street after the war. The journey of bringing the once "Largest Youth House" in Eastern Europe back to the youth. Sarajevo, Bosnia. Sponsored by the European Cultural Foundation. Aired on Bosnian Federal Television, ECU European Independent Film Festival in Paris, "ACKO Student Film Festival" Bratislava - Slovakia, Amnesty International Film Festival in Arhus, Denmark, Balkan Festival in Grenoble, France - as well as festivals in Helsinki, Finland - Pisa, Italy - Munster,Germany ...
2006: Live painter - performances in concert with Luc Reynaud in Berlin, Germany - Porto, Portugal - and Grenoble, France
2006: Lived and painted in the caves of Granada, Spain. Recycled food from the garbage bins for one year together with the Romani population. Offered private English lessons, Art lessons, and performed both professionally and in the streets as a Fire Dancer.
2005: "Freedom Song" - Filmed Luc Reynaud and the children directly affected by Hurricane Katrina, recording the original "Freedom Song". Baton Rouge.
2005: Worked on a boat down the Volga River from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
2005 - Summer: Painted murals and hitchhiked through Central America
2005: "Blurring Borders" - Solo Exhibition at the Robert's Gallery - Copenhagen, Denmark
2004: Signed Professional Soccer Player with B93 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Spring 2003: Sierra Institute ext. UC Santa Cruz - Belize and Guatemala Field Study
Fall 2002: University of California, Santa Barbara - Art Studio and Art History.
2001 - 2002: Lund Universitet, Sweden - Studied Ecological Architecture - Trained for the year with the Allsvenskan Professional Soccer Club, Malmo FF. Snuck onto trains through Europe twice.
2001 - Artsbridge Scholar - Art Teacher with the troubled youth in the inner-city districts of Sacramento. Art Scholarship awarded for excellence.
1999 - 2001/2003 - 2004: University of California, Davis - Mr. Swatez graduated with a degree in Art Studio. He had a part athletic scholarship as a NCAA Soccer Player.
1997 - 1998: A Rotary Exchange Student. Lived in Bromma, Sweden, played soccer for the Junior professional team Brommapojkarna and studied his Junior year of high school at Bromma Gymnasium.
1995 - Mr. Swatez competed in international soccer competitions in Holland and Denmark.
2009 - 2011: Assistant Director and Ceremonial Leader of the Mythic Voyage. Ten day healing voyages on a 100 year-old river boat through the Amazon Jngle of Peru holding ceremonies with Shipibo Elders, "Argonauts" from around the world and the medicines of the jungle.
2007 - 2009: "The Earth Gallery" - Painted Murals in nine countries. A Spiritual journey from Canada to Peru by land and Water, painting, fire dancing, learning, teaching and working with the Indigenous. In several countries, Mr. Swatez taught art therapy for children in the streets and later partnered up with NGO Viracocha to teach art therapy with the children of the red zone of Colombia - San Agustin, Colombia, and with Quscomaki to teach art therapy and soccer to the street children of Cusco, Peru. He learned mythology and ancient tradition with Aztec, Mayan, Kofan, Gurifuna, Incan, Andean, and Shipibo Elders.
2007: "Fusions of the Forgotten Moment" - Solo Exhibition, Accident Gallery - Humboldt County, California, USA
2007: This-is: The best place in Sarajevo - "Photo Safari" - 100 disposable cameras were given to the children from the streets of Sarajevo, Bosnia. Passed out 15,000 stickers of inspiring quotes expressed by the Bosnian youth the year prior. The This-is team went renegade style and glued oversized portrait photos of Bosnian Youth, taken by Photographer Gerrit Hahn during the Revival Festival, over the political propaganda all over the city of Sarajevo.
2005-2007: "Revival" - Co-Director. A Documentary Film About Hope: the Voice of the Youth expressing themselves in the street after the war. The journey of bringing the once "Largest Youth House" in Eastern Europe back to the youth. Sarajevo, Bosnia. Sponsored by the European Cultural Foundation. Aired on Bosnian Federal Television, ECU European Independent Film Festival in Paris, "ACKO Student Film Festival" Bratislava - Slovakia, Amnesty International Film Festival in Arhus, Denmark, Balkan Festival in Grenoble, France - as well as festivals in Helsinki, Finland - Pisa, Italy - Munster,Germany ...
2006: Live painter - performances in concert with Luc Reynaud in Berlin, Germany - Porto, Portugal - and Grenoble, France
2006: Lived and painted in the caves of Granada, Spain. Recycled food from the garbage bins for one year together with the Romani population. Offered private English lessons, Art lessons, and performed both professionally and in the streets as a Fire Dancer.
2005: "Freedom Song" - Filmed Luc Reynaud and the children directly affected by Hurricane Katrina, recording the original "Freedom Song". Baton Rouge.
2005: Worked on a boat down the Volga River from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
2005 - Summer: Painted murals and hitchhiked through Central America
2005: "Blurring Borders" - Solo Exhibition at the Robert's Gallery - Copenhagen, Denmark
2004: Signed Professional Soccer Player with B93 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Spring 2003: Sierra Institute ext. UC Santa Cruz - Belize and Guatemala Field Study
Fall 2002: University of California, Santa Barbara - Art Studio and Art History.
2001 - 2002: Lund Universitet, Sweden - Studied Ecological Architecture - Trained for the year with the Allsvenskan Professional Soccer Club, Malmo FF. Snuck onto trains through Europe twice.
2001 - Artsbridge Scholar - Art Teacher with the troubled youth in the inner-city districts of Sacramento. Art Scholarship awarded for excellence.
1999 - 2001/2003 - 2004: University of California, Davis - Mr. Swatez graduated with a degree in Art Studio. He had a part athletic scholarship as a NCAA Soccer Player.
1997 - 1998: A Rotary Exchange Student. Lived in Bromma, Sweden, played soccer for the Junior professional team Brommapojkarna and studied his Junior year of high school at Bromma Gymnasium.
1995 - Mr. Swatez competed in international soccer competitions in Holland and Denmark.