Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon, Washington - Mural - 40' x 30' - Exterior water-based paint & recycled wood - 2016
Za'atari Refugee Camp - "Welcome To My House" Mural - 2016
Water-based exterior paint - positive space painted on 5mm plywood bolted to the metal of the Syrian Refugee family's home in the second largest refugee camp in the world.
Thank you to all of the Syrian Refugees who choose to no longer be victims, but rather choose to paint a new reality and be the heroes of their own story!
Behind the scenes video of mural
"The Blue Dress is The Happy Place" - 2016
26 x 7 meters painted on the main headquarters of NGO Save the Children in Amman, Jordan.
Painted by Benjamin Swatez, Art Director of Syrian Refugee Creative Therapy Project, and over 65 Syrian Refugee youth, field staff from Save, local Jordanian Artists... funded by Voices of the Children in collaboration with Save the Children, Colors of Love, Chime In and OMAI. In 5 weeks more than 4,300 square feet of wall across Jordan was painted with murals and hundreds of Jordanian and Syrian Refugee youth!
Recap video of the 7 murals painted around Jordan with hundreds of Palestinian, Jordanian and Syrian Youth
"Home" - Aqaba, Jordan - 2016
Painted by Benjamin Swatez, Glen Shackley, and over a hundred youth from the town on the Red Sea. 120 x 10 feet!!!
Amazing interviews with two of the Jordanian youth painting on this wall with my team
"The Compass of the HEART!"
Aqaba, Jordan - Painted by Benjamin Swatez, Glen, Lea Anne and Jordanian Youth
Deeply inspiring short about this day painting with disability in Aqaba, Jordan =)
"Voices of the Children" - Aqaba, Jordan
This painted by Benjamin, Glen, Lea Anne and mentally and/or physically disabled of Aqaba, Jordan. It was the most beautiful day sharing paint and smiles with such incredible souls!
After painting hundreds of compositions with the Syrian Youth of the Zarqa Refugee Center we painted this wall as a going away celebration altogether... we started with a small part of the wall and then just took over the entire wall with so many smiles and the colors of love!
"Trash Transformed to Treasure." - Jisr Az Zarqa 3D Mural Map - 2016
I returned after one year of painting the bridge with Shira Shvadron and groups of both Arab and Jewish youth together in the economically poorest village in Israel... this time with film maker/ painter Glen Shackley and we transformed trash on the side of the road into something beautiful with the local youth.
District 3 in Guatemala City Guatemala in a neighborhood built on a trash fill -
Main Mural painted by Benjamin Swatez, Art Director of Chime In: The Change Is Me International, international youth ambassadors, Techo workers and the community.
We built side by side ten new houses with families living on trash fills and painted them together as well! Check out the incredible collaborative murals painted by many who had limited experience if ever touching a paintbrush in their life!
"The Red Rose" - Mural painted by Benjamin Swatez - Tunuyan, Mendoza, Argentina - 100 x 120 cm. |
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Fuego - San Agustin, Colombia - 2008 |
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Agua - San Agustin, Colombia - 2008 |
Tuve la bendición de pintar estos cuatro murales a cambio de 4,5 acres de tierra en el paraíso colombiano! La historia es surrealista más allá de la creencia.
Pregúnteme acerca de que en algún momento
Pregúnteme acerca de que en algún momento
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Tierra - San Agustin, Colombia - 2008 |
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Aire - San Agustin, Colombia - 2008 |
Don Manuel de Portugal tuvo una visión de este mural pintado a continuación sobre los muros de su antiguo Ashram en las montañas por encima de Cusco, Perú. Me entregó la llave y los recursos para pintar todos los días durante un mes delante del Templo de la Luna. ¡Qué regalo!
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Cinco elementos de la visión de Don Manuel - Ashram de Manuel, Cusco, Perú - 2009 |